Lending a hand to neighbours during the COVID-19 crisis
With restrictions around social distancing and self-isolation changing on a daily basis, we have struggled with how the LPCA can respond and help support the most vulnerable in our community during this crisis.
Leslie Park is a tight-knit community. Over the coming days and weeks, we hope you will continue looking out for one another. If you have elderly neighbours, please check to ensure they have someone taking care of their shopping and necessary errands.
If you are elderly and on your own, and don’t have anyone to pick up your essentials, we hope you would ask one of your neighbours rather than venturing out on your own. If you do not have someone to turn to for this, please email info@lesliepark.ca or call 613.862.3366 and we will endeavour to connect you with someone living close by who can help.
If you would be willing to help out by picking up essentials for an elderly neighbour when you are out doing your own shopping, we would appreciate hearing from you at the same contact info. If there are people with a need, we hope to be able to match them up with more than a single individual to help them - so as to keep the strain on everyone to a minimum.