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June 2022 AGM and other updates

Hello Leslie Park neighbours,

This a reminder for our upcoming AGM along with a few community updates.

1. We wanted to share a reminder that our Annual General Meeting is next Tuesday, June 21 from 7-8 pm. Meeting details are below. We hope you will join us!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 963 3445 0160

Password: 224847

2. We received an Update on the Graham Creek Park construction project from the project manager. Of note is the continued use of the road into the park from Dayton and the City's request regarding safety, particularly for children, when entering and exiting the park.

  • Leslie Park Construction Update:

    • Once landscape repairs are completed at Canfield, the contractor will move those operations into Leslie Park.

    • Please note that the contractor will continue to use their own entrance from Dayton Crescent. Please ensure that children don’t use this entrance and that they remain safe from moving vehicles and construction equipment.

    • Restoration work will include several new trees along the west side of the park as well as replacements for the trees along the entrance from Dayton Crescent.

    • Note that landscaping, trees and fence work near the outlet structure on the north side of the park cannot start until July due to environmental regulations.

3. Picnic in the Park - rescheduled until July

Given that the work in the park is expected to continue beyond the end of June, we have decided to reschedule the Picnic in the Park event until later in July. A new date will be announced soon. Watch our webpage and Facebook page for updates!

4. Pet safety

There have been two recent reports of cats found dead in Leslie Park with signs that they were likely killed by another animal. Given this, you may want to consider keeping your pets indoors or leashed and supervised. Additional information on urban wildlife can be found on the City of Ottawa webpage.

5. Tree Debris Post-Storm

For anyone that still has tree debris from the storm by the curb: we recommend calling 311 to request that your home be added to a list for pick-up in the coming days/next week.


Your LPCA Executive

Leslie Park Community Association



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