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LPCA Survey Results

We are pleased to present the findings of the first ever survey conducted by the Board of the Leslie Park Community Association.

The objective of this survey was to gather input from the community regarding activities and participation, concerns in the neighbourhood, determine ideal communications tools for community outreach, and collect a better understanding of how the LPCA Board can better serve the community.

THANK-YOU for your participation - we received 138 responses to the survey.

To distribute the survey, we used the LPCA facebook page, LP Circular facebook page, email lists, bulletin boards, and word of mouth. The survey was open from early until July 23, allowing three (3) weeks for individuals to participate and share feedback.

Key highlights of the survey are noted below:

On the question, how strong is your sense of community in Leslie Park, of the 138 responses:

  • 82% of the respondents had a ‘very strong’ and ‘somewhat strong’ sense of community in Leslie Park.

See graph below.

On the question, how often do you participate in LPCA organized activities, of the 138 responses:

  • 40% of the respondents replied either ‘very often’ or ‘somewhat often’.

  • 14% of the respondents answered ‘not at all’; and 14% were not sure what activities were organized by the LPCA

See graph below,

On the question, if you have not participated in LPCA activities, please share the reasons why, of the 97 responses.

  • 25.8% replied that they were too busy

  • 17.5% replied it didn’t appeal to their interests, and

  • 16.5% replied they were new to the neighbourhood, and

  • 8.2% replied they didn’t know when they are.

In addition, there were 30 distinct responses to this question. The LPCA board will review these responses to review ways to make events more accessible and inclusive to residents.

On the question, which of the following LPCA organized activities are you most likely to attend or participate in, the top responses in order of ranking were:

  • #1 - Winter Fun Day

  • #2 – Fall Fun Day

  • #3 - Picnic in the park

  • #4 - Spring Cleaning

  • #5 – Pumpkin Chuck

The photo calendar and Griswold Award were among the lowest ranked events.

On the question, additional neighbourhood activities to be organized, 66 responses were received. No doubt you will be delighted to see so many engaging and creative ideas. Everything from yard sales, food/bake sales, kids’ scavenger hunts, exercise classes, musical nights, adults social night, dog runs/parade, talent shows, and environmentally focused programs! Wow…we can all be incredibly grateful to live in such a dynamic community!

Note that this was an open-ended question, with no ranking. The LPCA board will review these responses and determine if there are additional events/initiatives that we can add to our future calendar of events.

On the issue of top concerns in the neighbourhood, majority of responses indicated:

  • Local traffic concerns

  • Neighbourhood street conditions

  • Personal Safety

  • Theft/break-in

Issues around lack of toilet facility (at the park), access to public transportation and excessive noise ranked much lower in this question.

On the question, what other neighbourhood concerns do you have, there were 71 responses. Note that this was an open-ended question, with no ranking of the issues mentioned. The LPCA board will review and discuss these responses at our next meeting in early October.

On the question of newsletter communication, an overwhelming majority of responses (almost 70%) indicated that they read the hardcopy newsletter delivered to their house; however many 46% indicated they would prefer to read the e-copy of the newsletter.

See graph below

Every survey participant identified the main or cross street of their residence. We have not yet reviewed which are the top mentioned streets.

We also received 53 survey participants who shared their email address. Email addresses have been added to the LPCA listserv. (Requests to have your email added to LPCA listserv can be made by sending a message to

Thank you for taking the time to read this summary report!

Margo, Anthony, Bill, Diane, Chris, Ellen, Frank, Jess, Kristine, Ryan, and Wendy Your Leslie Park Community Association Board



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